Designing games and applications for tuning and learning about hearing aids.
Binaural spatialization plugin.
Open-source scene graph editor for VR based on the Blender Game Engine.
Audio-visual reconstruction of a theatre play with realistic room acoustics.
Interactive installations based on the Web Audio API.
Real-time auralization to study the impact of the room on musicians intepretation.
Real-time room acoustics based on image-source simulation.
Exploratory VR reproduction of a concert in the Notre-Dame Cathedral.
Using VR auralization to support architectural design.
Binaural audio rendering individualization in VR.
Design of a DOA for search and rescue operations.
Archeoacoustics reconstruction and investigations in VR.
Virtual exploration for the visually impaired based on realistic auralizations.
Audio plugin for dynamic auralization using RIR convolution.
Creation of a 1/8th binaural head for real-time scale model auralization.
Ongoing and past small-scale projects.
Studying social interactions in AR/VR.
Collaboration with B&O, my first steps in VR room acoustics.
Binaural wandering in augmented realities.
Teaching activities.
Installation to explore full body audio-visual interactions.